Shipment auditing service
Shipment auditing for all
Government, Large enterprises and small businesses use
Share A Refund.
Automated multipoint audit is performed on each shipment
Share A Refund analyzes each shipment within a FedEx® or UPS® account using a comprehensive inspection, including items like: late delivery, surcharges, double billing and more.
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Small parcel auditing done right
How it works
Share A Refund retrieves recent invoices from FedEx® and UPS® accounts, and analyzes each shipment individually. When a package meets the criteria for a refund credit being secured, Share A Refund updates information related to that package, so that other services within Share A Refund can perform actions on the shipment to reclaim a refund credit back to the shipping account.
Share A Refund audits shipping accounts in near-real time. FedEx® and UPS® bill customers on a weekly basis. As such, new invoices are added to a shipping account each week. Share A Refund retrieves these invoices and processes the shipments immediately.
In-depth reports on all auditing activities are available for download within Share A Refund. These reports are described in detail on the in-depth reporting service section. Learn more.
New shipping accounts
Next steps
Pay as you go
Large volume shippers
~$0.015 per package
Fully automated
Weekly reports
Split of savings
Any volume shipper
Fully automated
Weekly reports
Pay as you go
Maximum refunds
Fully automated
Weekly reports
Simple pricing