Duty drawback service
Reimagine your supply chain
Is your supply chain inundated with rising costs? Many leaders in U.S. e-commerce have turned to duty drawback programs to combat this issue. Have you?
Schedule a supply chain evaluation meeting now.
Share A Refund delivers measurable results so you can deliver on-time, every time.
Many businesses, regardless of size, are leveraging Section 321 to speed up customs clearance, reduce delays, and save significantly. This tax and duty exemption can pave the way for business expansion by making previously unprofitable imports viable. By passing on these savings, you can offer competitive prices to your customers. Explore the benefits of Section 321 to see how it streamlines imports and frees up your time for core business operations.
Unlock Duty Drawback: Maximize Returns in International Trade
Growth of E-Commerce
“Millions of international packages are shipped to consumers daily, and that volume is rising fast. E-Commerce Logistics in the United States, a 2018 report by the market research firm Armstrong & Associates, says cross-border e-commerce today accounts for 15 to 20 percent of the world’s online traffic. Growing at about twice the rate of domestic e-commerce, it’s expected to represent 22 percent of global online sales by 2020, the report says. The surge is straining customs operations and creating challenges for authorities around the globe.”
See, e.g. the August 8, 2018 article from DC Velocity, “Curse of the Internet: E-commerce creates new challenges for customs.” https://www.dcvelocity.com/articles/29967-curse-of-the-internet-e-commerce-creates-new-challenges-for-customs
The “de minimis” provision allows U.S. imports under $800 by one person on one day to enter without duty or customs entry. In 2016, TFTEA raised this limit from $200 to $800, leading to increased use. CBP reported 771.5 million de minimis entries in FY21, up 21% from the previous year, totaling $40 billion. Due to its informal nature, CBP lacks some required trade data elements.
How it works and why U.S. FTZs cannot use De Minimis
Share A Refund takes the sluggishness out of evaluating and implementing a Duty Drawback program that works! Lower-value imports into the U.S. from other countries can enter duty-free, but withdrawals from U.S. Foreign trade zones (FTZ) do not qualify. So, companies often set up offshore distribution centers, usually in Canada or Mexico, to utilize the de minimis provision and avoid duty fees on orders sent to U.S. customers.
Many shippers struggle to provide the necessary documentation for U.S. CBP, Canada, and Mexico due to limited IT resources. Our Report Dashboard offers a simple solution, allowing you to easily access and integrate bulk document downloads into your business workflow with just a few clicks. Universal, secure storage integrations are available:
- S3
- Dropbox
- many others