Reclaim unused shipping labels created by third-parties on your UPS® account
Share A Refund tracks each shipping label created by third-party shippers on your UPS® account. A list of any shipping labels not used within 30 days is sent to a third-party shipper automatically, along with a set of instructions on how to void unused shipping labels. This notification feature increases the refund credits delivered back to your UPS® account, and makes it easy for you to manage the unused shipping labels created by third-party shippers. To use this feature, enable notifications for unused shipping labels and specify an email address for any third-party shipper. Share A Refund does the rest, tracking, managing and reporting on the unused shipping labels created by third-party shippers.
Automated notifications
- Weekly emails sent to third-parties shipping on your UPS® account.
- Ready to go. Simple to use.
- UPS charges for all shipping labels created, including shipping-labels created by third-party shippers. If unneeded labels aren’t voided by the third-party shipper, then extra charges are added to your UPS account. Reclaiming these is difficult and most go uncollected.
Share A Refund’s automated notification platform streamlines the steps required to void unused shipping labels created by third-parties. Automated emails detailing the actions required to reclaim all the refund credits for unused shipping labels available within your UPS® account are sent directly to your business partners.
How it works
- Share A Refund tracks all shipping labels manifested on a UPS® account, including those created by third-party shippers. Once per week, Share A Refund emails customers a list of all unregistered third-party shippers. With this, customers can easily manage third-party shippers, and enable third-party shipper notifications for unused shipping labels.
Once per week, Share A Refund emails each registered third-party shipper a list of unused shipping labels billed to your UPS® account. This list includes any shipping labels that are unused 30 days after being created, along with instructions on how to void these unused shipping labels. Share A Refund tracks the unused shipping labels created by third-party shippers on your UPS account, and reports on the refund credits delivered within the standard weekly report. In-depth activity logs related to each third-party shipper are available within the Share A Refund App, accessible within the third-party shipper section of each UPS account.
- Share A Refund notifications for unused shipping labels created by third-party shippers includes unused shipments 30 days old and greater. Share A Refund only collects a service fee on refund credits related to unused shipping labels that are voided more than one month after the label was created. Stated differently, any shipping label voided by a shipper within 30 days of the shipping label being created is not reported in notifications and not included in the shipment auditing service fee.
Help getting started
- Contact Share A Refund customer service for assistance with registering third-party shippers and enabling notification of unused shipping labels for third-party shippers. Visit the help center for more information.