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Share A Refund partners with accountants


Accountants partner with Share A Refund to provide a value-add, cost-savings service to clients. The information below details the key points of such a partnership, and showcases why the Share A Refund shipment auditing service is a good service to recommendation to clients. The service saves money on shipping expenses with FedEx and UPS by finding refund opportunities hidden within shipping accounts and files refund claims on those refund opportunities automatically.

Partnership with Intuit and Quickbooks

Share A Refund partnered wth Intuit to provide shipment auditing services to customers on Quickbooks Online. Visit the app store on quickbooks to see the Share A Refund App. See the Quickbooks Online App. More information related to the partnership is viewable on the Share A Refund website. Get more information.

The information within this section showcases why Quickbooks Pro Advisor partnerships are the perfect fit for Share A Refund. Accountants recommending Share A Refund to clients make more residual, passive income recommending Share A Refund. Share A Refund increases its customer-base and gets more customers using Quickbooks Online to use the Share A Refund service. Win-Win.

Overview of Share A Refund

Share A Refund saves companies money on shipping. In short, we’ve developed a software program that secures refund for customers due to overcharges by FedEx and UPS. What is an example of an overcharge? Late packages. If a package is one-minute late, then the shipper (your client) can collect 100% of the shipping costs on that package. But knowing which packages are late and filing the claims is hard and takes time.

Share A Refund does all the auditing of a shipping account, finds the billing mistakes and files refund claims with FedEx and UPS. When the refunds are delivered, Share A Refund collects half of the found money secured. In this way, the service is 100% performance-based and no-risk to customers.

Businesses who ship packages every day love Share A Refund, because by signing up for the service they effectively save 2-4% on shipping each week.

Overview of the sponsorship

There are two ways to sponsor Share A Refund to receive a commission-based percentage:

  1. Email sent to client. A well-crafted email is created to your specifications and sent over the chamber listserve.
  2. Verbal sponsorship. Mention the service to a client, detailing how to sign up: Go to and register.

Overview of the commission

On average, each customer saves $100 per month in shipping. Share A Refund collects 50% of the savings as a service fee, and 20% of that service fee goes to you as payment for ultimately converting the chamber member as a customer. In other words, you can expect to collect 10% of the refund credits delivered for the first year. An estimated $200 per customer.

Share A Refund offers a generous 20% of all revenues generated in the first year from any customer that signs up due to the chamber’s sponsorship efforts. Checks are sent every 2 weeks for the commissions that were generated within the last 2 weeks. An interface is provided, where the customers and commissions are viewable 24/7.

Example email

Below are some screenshots of an email template that is ready to be sent to your clients. The email looks great on a desktop, table and mobile browsers, and will integrate seamlessly with the system you’re using to send out emails to clients currently: outlook, gmail, and so forth. The email will have a tracking link associated accounting firm, so the clients who subscribe are attached to your referral account, and you are given the credit.

screenshot from emailscreenshot 4 from email screenshot 3 from email screenshot 2 from email

Example success stories

Share A Refund has helped hundreds of business save money on shipping. Some of the video testimonials linked to below showcase the potential results for your chamber members to save money on shipping by signing up for Share A Refund.

How to get started

Use the web form listed below to inquire about the next steps in getting started with a partnership with Share A Refund for you. Someone from the Share A Refund team will be in contact within the next few hours on the next steps. Thanks for your interest in partnering with Share A Refund to bring savings to your clients. Is phone better for you? 

Contact us →


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