We are always working to optimize our website and app to provide an excellent experience for our users. Similarly to how speed is important in shipment auditing to maximize refunds, it is equally as important when it comes to viewing the shipment auditing data online to maximize your time. With shipment auditing software, speed is a top priority. We are excited to announce Share A Refund is 2x faster, and we hope you’ve started to notice these improvements. Here are a few things to look out for.
Loading Share A Refund is faster
The time it takes to load and access Share A Refund has received a boost. This upgrade will get you on the platform and digging into shipping data faster than before.
Quicker report downloads
When you need shipping data, you need it now. Not one minute from now. All reports are configured to populate quicker than ever. Giving you the information you need, right when you need it.
Pulling invoices
The quicker you can pull an invoice, the quicker you can resolve any issues you might be having with carriers or gain visibility into the number of refunds on your account. We know seeing that invoice is critical and improving the time it takes to open invoices was our way to enhance the process.
We will continue to look for ways to incorporate faster solutions and improve overall performance to achieve instant response rates. Have a suggestion? Our customer support team is waiting to hear from you.