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UPS capitalizes on Cyber Monday shoppers

UPS shipping Cyber Monday shopping

Cyber Monday, the kickoff to holiday shipping season, is fast-approaching. The ads are circulating, the deals are being determined, and e-commerce businesses and shoppers are revving their engines for this year’s Cyber Monday sales. Cyber Monday 2016 was the biggest day in the history of U.S. e-commerce, as consumers spent an astounding $3.45 billion online on Monday, according to Fortune. If 2016 was an increase of 12.1% from the year before, what will 2017 have in store for Cyber Monday shoppers and retailers?

UPS capitalizes on Cyber Monday shoppers

Removing the trip to the store for consumers comes at a cost to online retailers and shipping carriers. UPS announced a 27-cent surcharge per package will apply to UPS’ ground service from Nov. 19 to Dec. 2 and between Dec. 17 and Dec. 23. Cyber Monday, which falls on November 24, advertises deals the entire week leading up to Cyber Monday. UPS looks to capture all shipments in circulation during this time and add a surcharge. Both Cyber Monday and Black Friday prices and discounts could be affected by this surcharge.

Read more: UPS ground shipments now cost $0.27 more during the holiday season

The peak season surcharge will need to be apportioned somehow. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, many stores have traditionally waived their free shipping minimums altogether. While retailers have taken losses on shipping in previous years, the new 27-cent surcharge is only going to make things that much more expensive and someone will have to absorb the additional cost.

Preparing for Cyber Monday

Preparation is key to seasonal success. Businesses must have their supply chain process optimized, technology implemented to increase efficiency, and adequate salesforce to manage the high sales volumes during Cyber Monday. Retailers are competing for consumer spending and shoppers expect an excellent purchase experience from start to finish, which includes free shipping and delivery expectations that are fulfilled flawlessly.

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