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Lost and damage claims on terms that anyone likes

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If one-size-fits-all isn’t even a suitable solution for socks, it’s definitely not going to work for Share A Refund lost and damage claim management services. Every business operates differently and needs solutions that cater to those differences. That’s why Share A Refund includes flexibility at every part of the lost and damage claim filing process. We believe allowing customers to make decisions that meet their unique business needs is one of the best ways to do business. With this in mind, we’ve carefully crafted three pricing-term options to satisfy any company’s preferences. The three pricing options available make the lost and damage claim service the perfect fit for both high-volume and low-volume shippers. Share A Refund helps businesses just like yours save time and recover more savings with the most sophisticated lost and damage claim filing service ever built.

Per shipment

$ 0
per shipment
  • Simple pricing terms
  • Works at any volume
  • AutoFile features
  • One-click claims
  • Upload pictures
  • Service failures
  • Weekly reports

Gain share

50%  Of Savings
  • Performance pricing terms
  • Works at any volume
  • AutoFile features
  • One-click claims
  • Upload pictures
  • Service failures
  • Weekly reports


$ 5000 Per Month
  • High-volume shippers
  • AutoFile features
  • One-click claims
  • Upload pictures
  • Service failures
  • Weekly reports

Gain-share pricing

This is the most popular option. In the gain-share option, a portion of the earnings received will be split with Share A Refund. Share A Refund’s performance-based option means you only pay if Share A Refund makes you money. This is a great option for low-volume shippers where the process of auditing for lost and damaged shipments, filing claims and tracking refunds is missed completely. The reason why is simple – time. The collection of documents, data entry of forms and filing of claims takes upwards of 15 minutes on every single claim. And with lost and damaged shipments only occurring a small percentage of the time, dedicating resources toward recovering these funds doesn’t make financial sense.

Pay-as-you-go pricing

We know gain-share pricing isn’t ideal for every company.  With the pay-as-you-go option, you pay only for the individual services you use with a flat rate of $5 per claim. This is a practical option for small-volume shippers with a fluctuating shipment schedule.

Fixed-fee pricing

The fixed-fee pricing options are reserved for high-volume shippers who would benefit from paying one flat monthly rate. This option is great when a stable, predictable budget is required within the company.  The Share A Refund lost and damage service is reserved for shippers that spend upwards of $100M per year on shipping. The built-in tools provide the flexibility to operate ethically in submitting claims with the carriers. Our friendly support team can work with your team to model each of the terms listed above in a report that’s specific to your business. Flexible terms make it effortless for any business to use the Share A Refund lost and damage claim filing service. Share A Refund helps low-volume and high-volume shippers recover funds related to lost and damaged shipments by automating the entire process. The costs recovered through this fully outsourced business process are all upside for shippers that don’t have the time to file lost and damage claims manually.

Do you have an existing auditing agreement?

Save up to 70% in service fees and get more refund credits with Share A Refund.

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