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Benefits of becoming a Share A Refund reseller

4 big benefits of becoming a Share A Refund reseller

The Share A Refund reseller program is a business you manage in your free time that allows you the power to increase your income and the flexibility to own your schedule. Here are 4 big benefits of becoming a Share A Refund reseller.

Reduce risks

Multiple income streams help to alleviate the pressure of relying on one income as your entire source of income. As a Share A Refund reseller, you can choose to sell the service to supplement your income, not replace it. You don’t have to quit your day job, but being a reseller does offer financial cushion.

Selling the shipment auditing and recovery services can even make you more productive in your day job. The skills you acquire often complement your day-to-day job requirements. You can get a taste of life as a reseller without forfeiting your stable 9–5 career.

Passive income

As a Share A Refund reseller, you can make money while you sleep. Onboarding new customers is streamlined with the automated signup process. Invoices are automatically generated and sent directly to customers, based on the predetermined customer settings. AutoPay makes paying invoices quick and easy. Automated weekly emails are sent to customers from your email address outlining all shipping, refund and auditing activities on their account without having to lift a finger.

Whether it’s shipment auditing, filing lost and damaged claims or optimizing carrier contracts, it can all be done in a fraction of time with Share A Refund intuitive technology. You get to offer an industry-leading auditing technology to customers without getting your hands dirty with the technical coding.

Total flexibility

There’s no boss breathing down your neck. You have full autonomy to sell when you want and how you prefer. When it comes to pricing, you have the freedom to remain competitive by extending credit to customers, with complete control over customer service fees, credit terms and the payment methods available to customers.

Joining the Share A Refund reseller program grants you more flexibility to create the lifestyle you want. Other resellers have been able to plan that family vacation that was only a dream before extra income came in. Or by propping up your earnings, you can use the additional money to invest. You call the shots as a reseller.

Confidence builder

Some people approach Share A Refund knowing very little about the shipping world.  Others are more familiar with logistics, shipment auditing, and supply chain processes. No matter where you are on the spectrum, deciding to become a reseller creates confidence in yourself.

It’s a career stretch to increase your own experience level while earning on the side. Learning something new has a way of strengthening personal skills and getting out of comfort zones to achieve something greater.

Ready to make the leap? Invest your time, skills and energy into building your business as a Share A Refund reseller.

Do you have an existing auditing agreement?

Save up to 70% in service fees and get more refund credits with Share A Refund.

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